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Scrap car wall in Northern Ontario | Photo Art Print

Regular price $25.00 CAD

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In this photograph, I find myself in a different realm, one where the remnants of the past coalesce with the present, forming a striking yet thoughtful scenery in Northern Ontario. The image captures a wall built of scrap cars, stacked meticulously, their once vibrant lives now stilled in a structured decay. The colors, though faded, hint at the individual stories each car holds within its rusted frame.

The scrap car wall stands as a testament to the passage of time, each layer of decay adding a stroke to this unconventional canvas. It’s a sight that evokes a blend of nostalgia and awe, pushing the boundaries of what’s traditionally seen as aesthetic. The juxtaposition of nature's greenery surrounding this man-made construct adds a layer of contrast, yet a harmonious dialogue between the natural and the artificial.

Northern Ontario, with its lush landscapes and serene ambiance, provides a contrasting backdrop to this unusual yet captivating scene. The quiet surroundings allow the scrap car wall to take center stage, its structured form against the wild, untamed foliage is a visual narrative on the cycle of creation and dissolution.

As I captured this image, the quietness of the scene resonated with a louder thought - the eternal dance of creation, utilization, and eventual return to the earth. It’s a thought-provoking imagery, urging a reflection on the transient nature of material existence against the endless flow of time.

© Dan Kosmayer, 2021

Museum Quality Fine Art Prints

Enjoy museum-grade signed prints, free global delivery, and a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Each fine art print showcases my passion for photography and exceptional quality and is hand-signed in pencil on the reverse side, and includes a certificate of authenticity and a lifetime warranty against fading, with the assurance of a full reimbursement within 30 days if needed.

The fine art prints are of the highest museum quality, printed on acid-free 100% cotton paper with a velvety, subtly textured, warm-tone finish. Archival inks ensure photographs with sharp precision, smooth transitions, deep blacks, intricate details, and vibrant hues.

Please note that frames are not included.

Free Worldwide Delivery

As the creator, I personally print, sign, and package every print at my studio in Haliburton, Ontario. These prints are then shipped worldwide via Canada Post free of charge. Therefore, delivery times can vary based on location, anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

Additionally, when traveling and shooting on location, orders placed during these periods will be dispatched upon my return. This may result in delivery times extending to several weeks. However, rest assured that the wait for these unique pieces is well worth it!

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